Access Masterclass Level 1 & 2: Beginner to Intermediate Course
6 Hours
92 Lessons (6h)
- Your First Program
- Introduction To Access Masterclass
- Everything About Tables In Access
- Working With Reports In Access
- Select Queries
- Action Queries
- Forms In Access
- Database Design 1 (Becoming a Database Expert from Other Areas)
- Database Design 2, Illustrating Normalization Practically
- Database Design 3, Table Design
- Database Design 4, Relationships and Referential Integrity
- Database Design Activity
- Importing Excel into Access using GUI and Database Principles
- Essence of Programming - Program Flow And Controlling Flow/Direction
- An Intro To Access Macros
- Importing Excel into Access using VBA
- Finish Line
- Appendix - Extra
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Manage Your Data Better with 6 Hours of Content on How to Take Advantage of Access & Excel
Ermin DedicErmin Dedic | Data Science + Psychology
4.2/5 Instructor Rating:
★ ★ ★ ★
Ermin Dedic is passionate about statistics, data science, object-oriented programming, and psychology/mental health. He's developed an expertise in SAS programming and beginner/intermediate statistics largely through his schooling and partly self-study. He's also self-taught in object-oriented programming. Currently, Ermin Dedic teaches 24 courses.
36,678 Total Students
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1 Review
4/ 5
All reviews are from verified purchasers collected after purchase.
David Vogt
Verified Buyer
I feel like the course was more Level 1 than Level 2. But the course is a good overview of the product and what it can do.
Feb 26, 2021
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